Watermelon, Watermelon

I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate. --Julia Child

Today's New York Times Dining Section has a great article on watermelons -- check it out.

I just recently made a great salad using heirloom tomatoes, watermelon, feta cheese, mint, basil and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.  It was pretty easy to put together.  Dice and drain the watermelon, chop up/slice the tomatoes depending on size (I had bought a basket of several different heirloom types) and drain, tear the basil leaves, and roughly chop the mint.  Mix this all together before serving, crumble the feta cheese over it, toss in some kosher salt and cracked pepper and drizzle with the vinegar once plated. Yum.

I remember eating watermelon as a little girl -- and my dad teasing me that a watermelon would grow in my tummy if I ate the seeds.  Now, it seems like all I can find in the stores/markets are seedless varieties.  Still, there's nothing as refreshing as biting into a juicy, ruby-colored slice.  It is summertime at its best.  Yum.

Talk soon,